Living Kidney donors - Living Liver Donors
If you want to donate a kidney or a part of your liver, you are in the right place.
Living Kidney/Liver Donors
Calling All Compassionate Organ Donors!
Are you a registered organ donor who wants to make a life-saving difference? We can help connect you directly with patients waiting for a lifesaving transplant.
Here's how it works:
Fill out the form below:
We connect you with patients in need: Based on your information and medical compatibility, we'll introduce you to potential transplant recipients.
Financial Compensation for Donors:
It's important to be aware that organ donation often involves some out-of-pocket expenses for the donor, including:
Medical expenses: Costs associated with the donation surgery and recovery.
Disability expenses: Loss of income during the recovery period when work is not possible.
Many patients receiving organ transplants express a desire to compensate their donors for these costs. This compensation is typically offered voluntarily and done ethically, not as a means of profit.
Registering Your Desired Gift on the Form:
To facilitate this compensation process, you can optionally include an estimated amount of your expected costs on the registration form. This amount should reflect your actual expenses and not be considered a fee for donation.
Organ Donation: A Gift of Life
Organ donation remains a selfless act of generosity. Your willingness to help others is a remarkable form of compassion.
Additional Way to Connect with Patients:
For even wider reach, you can also announce your organ donation intent on the following website:
This platform allows patients worldwide to connect with potential donors and pursue transplants.
Through both our efforts and, you have the power to give someone the gift of life.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Regarding Kidney/liver Donation
Depending on your blood type and the amount of your requested cash gift, this time may last from a few days to a few months.
We perform most of the kidney and liver transplant operations in Iran and Turkey, but we may perform this operation in some countries depending on the condition and request of our patients.
The minimum age to donate a kidney or liver is 18 years old.
No, the amount of the cash gift is paid to the donor only after the transplantation.